Care Ministries
Deaconess Board
The Deaconess Board provides congregational care to the people of this church. They assist in providing spiritual care and nurture to the church through the preparation of the Lord’s Supper (communion), baptisms, funerals, and other worship services. They also provide ministry and services to individual church members and attenders as needed.
Two or three meals may be provided to our church family members after hospitalization, extended illness, birth of a child, etc. The provision of meals are intended to help individuals during times of immediate need.
Meals are provided by church family volunteers. We are always in need of more volunteers to help prepare meals. Please see the next tab to sign up for meal provision.
Visitation Team
[Hospital Visits & Shut-Ins]
The Visitation Team visits folks who are in the hospital and anyone who may not be able to attend weekly services, whether they are ill or shut-in. The team provides encouragement and prayer. Home Communion is also available, upon request.
We need your help in providing meals to our church family members who are in need. Please contact the Deaconess Chair immediately if you can help, or fill out the contact form below. Indicate “Meals” on the line “I want to serve in this area.”
Meal Train is a website that helps organize and track meals. Please use Meal Train to help us with meals. Click Here.
We desire to assist grieving families through the difficult days following the death of a loved one. We have close working relationships with our local funeral homes. Normally, our church facilities will be used for funerals of family members associated with our church. Requests for funerals and/or funeral luncheons of individuals without a relationship to this church will need to be approved by the Elder board. The Deaconess Board provides the funeral lunches for families of members/regular church attenders.
Are you grieving the loss of someone close to you? Find comfort and support at our GriefShare group. For more information, send inquiries to [email protected]
Healing from Church Initiative on Vimeo.