Our Missionaries
J & A
Missionaries We Support
“J & A” are missionaries who partner with Business As Missions (BAM) and they have a sports ministry. They work in an undisclosed country in Africa to reach people for Christ. Please pray for this family as they minister in a difficult environment. Pray for this family to obtain all the permits they need to start their business, for finances, and for good schooling for their children.
Ray & Kay Baker
Missionaries We Support
Ray, Kay and their son, David, are missionaries in Stockholm, Sweden with Greater Europe Mission.
Ray answered God’s calling into missions as a teenager in Blair County, PA. He has been serving in Europe with Greater Europe Mission since 1985, first in Iceland and Sweden, then in France, and back in Sweden since 1996. Ray teaches at CredoAkademin, a one-year school for apologetics and Christian worldview studies in the heart of Stockholm. Since 1992, CredoAkademin has trained over 400 Scandinavian young people. Ray’s subjects include apologetics, ethics, Bible and philosophy. His vision is to see more and more Swedish Christians equipped with a knowledge of God’s Word, a strong mind able to analyze the true needs of Swedish society, and a heart to meet those needs, carrying Christian values and a Christian world view into every area of public debate in that “post-christian country.”
Kay’s background is in elementary education. As a result of a short-term mission trip to Spain in 1985, Kay received a burden for the special needs of missionaries and their families in the area of education. In 1988 she moved to Vienna, Austria, where she taught at Vienna Christian School. In 1993 she helped start SHARE Education Services in Budapest, Hungary. They provide consultations and testing for missionaries and other ex-pat families, helping them assess their children’s educational progress and needs. One of Kay’s main tasks is coordinating children’s programs for SHARE conferences and retreats at different locations around Europe. She also has an active music ministry in Sweden.
Kay and Ray were married in 1997. Their son David was born in Sweden in 1999. David currently studies at university.
Mailing Address
Bakers, Spettekaksvagen 53, S-12869 Skondal, SWEDEN
Josh & Jen Duey
Missionaries We Support
Josh & Jen Duey believe that college students are the future leaders of our world, nation, communities, families, and churches. Therefore, it is vital to reach students with the message of the Gospel of Christ. Knowing this, it is their privilege to be able to serve with the ministry of Cru on the Twin Cities Metro Team (Minneapolis/St. Paul area).
Their scope is to reach over 200,000 college students at 28 campuses in the area. Their primary campuses are the University of St. Thomas, located in St. Paul; Century College, where their focus is Asian American students; and Inver Hills Community College.
Their goal is to create a caring community that is passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ. They strive to accomplish this by sharing the Gospel of Christ with as many students as possible, leading small group Bible studies, and equipping and training students to reach their world with the Gospel.
Kyle & Carrie Eipperle
Missionaries We Support
Kyle and Carrie have served with SEND International for 17 years in Ukraine.
Kyle’s primary ministry has been to teach and mobilize the Ukrainian church into cross-cultural missions. Ukraine transitioned into a sending country while the Eipperles were serving there and are now sending their own missionaries to the ends of the earth.
Kyle has been involved in research concerning unreached people groups, creating prayer booklets, and an internet site that features people group profiles in the Russian language.
The family relocated to the US in 2019, yet at the same time, they did not feel the task that God had assigned them to do was finished. Kyle has joined Operation World (OW) as a research associate to develop and update Russian materials to the Russian and Ukrainian language speaking world, and thus inform missionaries where needs exist. Their resources impact the church worldwide to pray strategically for every nation of the world.
Kyle and Carrie will continue to be missionaries with SEND International but on loan to Operation World. Pray for the Eipperles as they pursue this new role. It is a huge task and great responsibility.
Carrie’s main ministry is home school teacher for the Eipperle children.
Mailing Address
21284 IL Hwy 92
Ohio, IL 61349
Patricia Harris
Missionaries We Support
Patricia is involved in Prison Ministry to inmates on Death Row and to those serving life terms. She writes letters to prisoners in Florida, Alabama, Georgia, and Texas. Patricia is a member of Journey Church.
Ross & Mary Hunter
Missionaries We Support
Ross & Mary Hunter are missionaries who equip Quichua pastors, leaders, and their families in the area of Discipleship and Biblical Training in the Andes of Ecuador.
Ross says, “We’re ordinary people called by an extraordinary God to be servants of Christ among the Quichua.”
Married 30+ years, they’re proud parents of three adult children and three grandchildren. Raised in Ecuador, their kids, Jonathan (Maggie), Cristina and Jennifer, are blessed with a rich cultural heritage, as very few North Americans lived in their area. Various Ecuadorian friends, neighbors, and fellow homeschoolers in other parts of Ecuador, as well as their ministry support team have been a blessed and integral part of their journey.
Approximately 24 years of living & ministering among different slices of Ecuadorian culture provide them with a unique perspective of the deep heart needs of the people.
Ross & Mary trained for ministry at Moody Bible Institute, Rio Grande Bible Institute and Columbia International University, and are presently seeking new tools through a field based educational approach (Mary through the Moody Theological Seminary & SE Trauma Institute, and Ross through the South African Theological Seminary.) Ross is an ordained minister under the EFCA.
Mailing Address
U.S. Mailing Address: Ross & Mary Hunter, 1203 Dana Drive, Oxford, OH 45056
Ecuador Mailing Address: Ross & Mary Hunter. Casilla 06-01-203, Riobamba, Ecuador
Brook of Hope
Missionary Organization We Support
Brook of Hope is an orphanage in Mai Mahiu, Kenya. Pastor James Mumo takes in boys off the street, who otherwise have no hope. The orphanage provides food, shelter, and life skills for the rescued boys. Presently, there is an ongoing project to build a new dormitory to house 30 rescued children from the streets.
Website: https://brookofhopekenya.org/
Grace Global Partners
Missionary Organization We Support
In 2007, Pastor Casey Danley traveled to speak to nearly five hundred pastors gathered from all over India. He saw how the spread of the Gospel and the growth of the church there was rapidly increasing. At the same time, he saw pastors who were pouring themselves into faithfully shepherding their churches while facing great challenges. Many were lacking the basic training needed to teach and minister faithfully.
Returning home, Casey’s research found that this same phenomena is taking place in many places around the world. The church is growing, yet the number of properly equipped pastors is lacking.
In 2010, Grace Global Partners was incorporated to serve Christ and His church in meeting this need. GGP ministers to equip untrained pastors for faithful service in partnership with the local church. They desire to partner with a variety of churches, ministries, and mission organizations in meeting this need. GGP is currently focusing their work in India.
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 92, DeWitt, Iowa 52742
The Pregnancy Center
Missionary Organization We Support
The Pregnancy Center has been serving Clinton and the surrounding communities in Illinois and Iowa since 1986. It is a Christ-centered ministry whose goals are to preserve the life of the unborn child; offer direction to young women; and be a support to the local church.
The Pregnancy Center offers a full range of informational and personal services including: Pregnancy testing; limited ultrasounds; compassion support; post-abortion support; sexual integrity education; TREE 3 mentoring program & boutique.
Mailing Address
240 N. Bluff Blvd., Suite 105, Clinton, IA 52732
Unity Christian Schools
Missionary Organization We Support
Unity Christian School in Fulton has provided quality, accredited, Christ-centered education since 1921. Unity added Unity Christian Preschool and Childcare (UCPC) in 2002 to provide preschool, daycare, and before/after-school care. In all, Unity serves 150 children at UCPC and over 120 K-12 students with an education founded in Biblical truth with a Christian worldview.
Families in the area are also able to access UCPC’s programs and receive instruction in the Scriptures by teachers and staff who love Jesus Christ. Those families that are committed to providing Christian education for their children at church, school, and home can continue partnering with Unity beyond preschool and even to high school graduation. Proverbs 22:6 tells us to “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
“Thank you for your support of Unity Christian Schools. We greatly appreciate the monetary support, but also appreciate the volunteer help and donations at Bargain Bonanza. Most importantly, we covet your prayers. With the partnership of fellow believers in the Gateway Area, and by the grace of God, we hope to continue shining the light of Christ to the young generation for many years to come.”
Mailing Address
711 10th Street, Fulton, IL 61252
Website: http://www.unitychristian.com/
Victory Center
Missionary Organization We Support
The Victory Center is an emergency shelter, and reaches out to the homeless and needy in the Clinton area. Currently, they provide temporary housing for 90 men. Bible teaching and substance abuse rehabilitation are provided for those in residence as well as meals for the needy in the community (including an annual Thanksgiving Dinner). The Center also has a ministry to Spanish-speaking Third World countries.
The Victory Center holds a chapel service every day at noon, just before lunch is served. There are nightly Bible studies held by volunteer pastors and lay people, as well as morning devotions that are led by a resident or staff member.
Victory Center requires approximately $250, 000 yearly in monetary and in-kind donations for day-to-day operational expenses. The Victory Center requests prayer and financial support. They need to raise funds immediately to continue operation. Please pray for God to meet their needs.
Mailing Address
505 9th Ave. S, Clinton, IA 52732 OR PO Box 1694, Clinton, IA 52732