• Sunday Life Groups at 9:00am; Sunday Worship Service at 10:30am

        Ray & Kay Baker

        448 448 Journey Church
        Ray & Kay Baker

        Missionaries We Support


        Ray, Kay and their son, David, are missionaries in Stockholm, Sweden with Greater Europe Mission.

        Ray answered God’s calling into missions as a teenager in Blair County, PA. He has been serving in Europe with Greater Europe Mission since 1985, first in Iceland and Sweden, then in France, and back in Sweden since 1996.  Ray teaches at CredoAkademin, a one-year school for apologetics and Christian worldview studies in the heart of Stockholm.  Since 1992, CredoAkademin has trained over 400 Scandinavian young people. Ray’s subjects include apologetics, ethics, Bible and philosophy. His vision is to see more and more Swedish Christians equipped with a knowledge of God’s Word, a strong mind able to analyze the true needs of Swedish society, and a heart to meet those needs, carrying Christian values and a Christian world view into every area of public debate in that “post-christian country.”

        Kay’s background is in elementary education. As a result of a short-term mission trip to Spain in 1985, Kay received a burden for the special needs of missionaries and their families in the area of education. In 1988 she moved to Vienna, Austria, where she taught at Vienna Christian School. In 1993 she helped start SHARE Education Services in Budapest, Hungary. They provide consultations and testing for missionaries and other ex-pat families, helping them assess their children’s educational progress and needs. One of Kay’s main tasks is coordinating children’s programs for SHARE conferences and retreats at different locations around Europe. She also has an active music ministry in Sweden.

        Kay and Ray were married in 1997. Their son David was born in Sweden in 1999. David currently studies at university.

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