• Sunday Life Groups at 9:00am; Sunday Worship Service at 10:30am

        Ross & Mary Hunter

        974 974 Journey Church
        Ross & Mary Hunter

        Missionaries We Support


        Ross & Mary Hunter are missionaries who equip Quichua pastors, leaders, and their families in the area of Discipleship and Biblical Training in the Andes of Ecuador.

        Ross says, “We’re ordinary people called by an extraordinary God to be servants of Christ among the Quichua.”
        Married 30+ years, they’re proud parents of three adult children and three grandchildren. Raised in Ecuador, their kids, Jonathan (Maggie), Cristina and Jennifer, are blessed with a rich cultural heritage, as very few North Americans lived in their area. Various Ecuadorian friends, neighbors, and fellow homeschoolers in other parts of Ecuador, as well as their ministry support team have been a blessed and integral part of their journey.
        Approximately 24 years of living & ministering among different slices of Ecuadorian culture provide them with a unique perspective of the deep heart needs of the people.

        Ross & Mary trained for ministry at Moody Bible Institute, Rio Grande Bible Institute and Columbia International University, and are presently seeking new tools through a field based educational approach (Mary through the Moody Theological Seminary & SE Trauma Institute, and Ross through the South African Theological Seminary.) Ross is an ordained minister under the EFCA.

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