• Sunday Life Groups at 9:00am; Sunday Worship Service at 10:30am

        Pastor Tom Loyola

        Farewell and Thank You!

        800 500 Journey Church

        Thank you for the great privilege of serving this body of Christ as Senior Pastor since November 2004. Thank you for the grace and love you have shown to my…

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        250 188 Journey Church

        At the beginning of major sporting events, guests are invited to stand for the playing of the national anthem. All look toward the American flag on display, men remove their…

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        800 800 Journey Church

        Ah, joy! Who would not want to have an abiding joy? … a deep-seated delight which is not defined by circumstances? “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say,…

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        The Crucible

        800 569 Journey Church

        Richard Foster was coming to town! He was the featured speaker at a Friday-Saturday seminar, and I was excited to go! I had read a couple of Foster‘s books on…

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        Our Worship

        810 400 Journey Church

        “True worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.” These are the words of our Lord Jesus recorded in…

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        Be a Missionary Every Day

        687 703 Journey Church

        Those five words come from a children’s song Sue Ann and I sang with our children and with the children who attended the 5-Day Clubs and Good News Club we…

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        Two Years on the Journey

        500 500 Journey Church

        September 9 marks the second anniversary of our new vision, Journey Vision. How has the second year gone? What have we seen God do? And, as we look forward from…

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        Shine Today!

        500 300 Journey Church

        The coronavirus pandemic, which has profoundly impacted our daily lives, provides a ripe opportunity for believers in Jesus Christ to shine! “Shine. Everyday.” That is the motto of the senior…

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        July 2020 Independence Day

        500 500 Journey Church

        July 4 is a big day for Americans. Each year on this date we remember the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and celebrate our independence from British…

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        Connecting (Part 2)

        800 400 Journey Church

        The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed many activities online. People who used to work in brick and mortar locations now work on their laptops from home. Meetings which used to be…

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