• Sunday Life Groups at 9:00am; Sunday Worship Service at 10:30am

        2 Peter

        Sola Scriptura

        150 150 Journey Church

        2 Peter 1:16-21 (ESV) Christ’s Glory and the Prophetic Word 16 For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were…

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        The Power and Precious Promises of God

        1024 768 Journey Church

        2 Peter 1:1-4 (ESV) Greeting 1 Simeon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ:…

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        What’s Your Next Step?

        1024 768 Journey Church

        2 Peter 1:5-11 (ESV) 5 For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, 6 and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness,7 and godliness with brotherly affection,…

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        1024 768 Journey Church

        2 Peter 1:12-21  (ESV) 12 Therefore I intend always to remind you of these qualities, though you know them and are established in the truth that you have. 13 I think it right, as long as…

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