Here’s the short version about Gear Up!
- What: food, connecting with men, learning, encouragement
- Why: intentionally grow stronger in Christ
- Who: all men, high school age and older
- When: 6:00-8:00pm every fifth Wednesday starting January 22
- Where: youth room
And, here is the longer version:
So, what is this “Gear Up!” we’ve been talking about, anyway? Well, men, it is a growth opportunity for you. And by “men,” I mean every man high school age and older. At Gear Up! you will connect with other men and be strengthened to lead where God has you. God has you right where He wants you. And right there, in your circle—home, school, work, neighborhood, church—God wants you to be His man. A man growing in godly character, becoming more and more like Jesus. As you do that, you will be an influence on others for Christ. A leader.
Now, some may say, “I’m not a leader.” In fact, some may even say, “I don’t want to be a leader. I’m not the up front, take charge, blaze the trail kind of guy.” You don’t have to be that kind of guy to be a man of influence. Biblical leadership is leading by example. It is being a certain kind of man, a man whose thoughts, words, values, and actions are becoming more like Christ in His thoughts, words, values, and actions.
The Men of Honor lead team and the elders want to help you develop as that kind of man. So starting January 22 we will meet once every five weeks on Wednesdays. Besides January 22, mark these dates on your calendar: February 26, April 1, May 6, and June 10. During our meetings we will enjoy a meal together, we will discuss a book about the marks of a spiritually mature man, and we will pray together. In between the meetings, men will pair up and talk about how they are doing with the projects that are at the end of each chapter.
The book is The Measure of a Man, by Gene Getz. More than a million copies of these books have sold over the decades since Gene first wrote it! There are several great characteristics of this book: the chapters are short, the content is very practical (did I mention that there is an action plan at the end of each chapter?), and the book contains links to videos of Gene. These videos will help us get ready for the chapter, discuss it, and put it into practice. Another great feature of the book is that each chapter is a stand-alone unit. If you have a calendar conflict and have to miss one of the Gear Up! meetings, don’t worry! You won’t get behind.
A word to wives, moms, and children: Pray that God will use Gear Up! to significantly strengthen your husband/son/dad in his journey with Christ. When he tells you he wants to be part of Gear Up!, cheer him on—support him in his desire to participate.
Sign-up will begin January 5. Men of Honor leaders will be at the toolbox in the church lobby with the sign-up sheet. Putting your name on the list will help us prepare: we will know how many books to order and how much food to bring for the first meeting. Each man will purchase his own copy of The Measure of a Man. We already purchased copies for the MOH lead team and for the elders. The cost was $13 each.
Well, men. It’s time to Gear Up! I look forward to seeing you on January 22.
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