• Sunday Life Groups at 9:00am; Sunday Worship Service at 10:30am

        Come On In!

        150 150 Journey Church

        A new year offers a fresh start. It’s odd in one sense because January 1 does not feel any different than December 31. Nevertheless, January 1 does open doors to new opportunities.

        I want to invite you to make a fresh start in 2015. On January 4th we will resume our Life Groups. After a two-week break for the holidays, we will dive back in. Dive into Life Groups with us! Come on in—the “water” is fine!!

        At Clinton Evangelical Free Church we know that life is better when we share it with others. We believe that growing as a Christian—discipleship—takes place in the context of relationships. This is how Jesus discipled His followers. They “did life” together, in relationship.

        Life Groups are small gatherings of people who spend time together in the Bible and prayer, and who connect with each other and care for one another. Life Groups are a safe place where real people learn how to apply God’s Word to real life situations. As you share life with others, you will be cared for and have the opportunity to care for and serve others.

        If you have not joined a Life Group, now is a great time to do so! We intend the holiday break from Life Groups to be an open door, a chance to comfortably step into a Life Group for the very first time or to switch from one Life Group to another. You can find information about the Life Groups we offer in this newsletter, at our website (www.www.journeyclinton.org), or at the Connection Point in the lobby just outside our worship center.

        We are committed to Life Groups. They are a core part of who we are as a church. It is our desire that everyone who worships at Clinton EFree participates in a Life Group. Everyone. There is one for you! Take the plunge, 9:00am on January 4th. Come on in!


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