• Sunday Life Groups at 9:00am; Sunday Worship Service at 10:30am

        Groups, Groups, Groups!

        150 150 Journey Church

        Are all groups created equal? We talk here at CEFC a lot about groups. Some of our church members have started home groups, small gatherings in their homes. Every Sunday morning at 9:00 we offer a variety of Study Groups. On Tuesday morning during the school year Daughters of the King provides ladies with a Bible study that includes time spent in smaller breakout groups. This past year Men of Honor hosted two small groups for men during the week at the church facility, one on Tuesday evening, the other on Thursday evening.

        And now we are talking about something new: Life Groups!! Building on the strengths of our Study Groups but adding new elements that transform them into something different, we are launching Life Groups. What are the strengths of our Study Groups that we will not let go? Bible teaching—clear, Bible-centered instruction for real life. That will be a non-negotiable priority for Life Groups. So how are Life Groups new? What makes them something different? They will emphasize connecting and caring. They will be our way of truly being a community of faith.  We will take time to intentionally build relationships with each other and actively care for each other within our groups. We will enfold people, get to know them and “do life” together. These kinds of connections are indispensable for Christian growth: transformation into the likeness of Jesus takes place within the context of relationships. Jesus Himself modeled this approach. He discipled His followers within the relational context of a small group!

        Connecting like this takes intentionality. So when we launch Life Groups on September 14, our Sunday morning schedule will change. Life Groups will begin at 9:00 and continue until 10:15, providing extra time for connecting, caring, and praying. Our worship service will then begin at 10:30.

        Connecting and caring will certainly not be limited to that weekly hour and 15 minute get-together! No, we will actively care for one another throughout the week but that weekly meeting time will be essential to begin, develop, and nurture those relationships.

        No, all groups are not created equal! Life Groups will help us grow in the life of Christ as we hear His Word and connect with one another in real, caring ways. All aboard!!

        -Pastor Tom



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