• Sunday Life Groups at 9:00am; Sunday Worship Service at 10:30am

        Holiest Day

        150 150 Journey Church

        Resurrection Sunday this year falls on April 20. On this day Christians will celebrate the most important of our holy days, more commonly called Easter. The focus of our celebration is the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, that supernatural work of God by which He raised Jesus back to life after He died on the cross for our sins. 

        The resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth has great significance for the Christian faith. Consider the following truths about His resurrection revealed in the Bible. 

        • Christ’s resurrection gives our faith meaning. It is the heart of the Christian faith. The Apostle Paul states strongly and clearly that if Christ had not been raised from the dead our faith would be empty, void, meaningless—we would still be under condemnation for our sins. (1 Corinthians 15:17-20)
        • Christ’s resurrection proves His claims. One day Jesus’s opponents asked Him for a “sign,” that is, for proof that He was all He claimed to be—the Messiah, God in the flesh. Jesus’s answer? The resurrection. It proves He is who He says He is. (Matthew 12:38-40)
        • Christ’s resurrection provides a right standing before God for anyone who believes in Jesus. Romans 4.25 states that Jesus was raised to life “for our justification.” Justification is that gracious work of God by which He declares the believing sinner righteous in His sight. If someone has not been justified, he or she stands condemned before God. Christ’s resurrection is the only basis for justification.
        • Christ’s resurrection points to future judgment. Consider these words by the Apostle Paul in one of his speeches: God “has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead” (Acts 17.31). Christ’s resurrection tells all humankind that God’s judgment is indeed coming.
        • Christ’s resurrection gives Christians strength and hope in the severest of difficulties in this life. Since God was able to raise Jesus from the dead, He is well able to rescue us from any hardship. In fact, trials push us to trust in the God who raised His Son from the dead. (2 Corinthians 1:8-9)
        • (Explore these passages if you want to learn more truths about Jesus’s resurrection: Romans 1:3-4, 6:4; 2 Corinthians 4:14; 1 Thessalonians 4:14-16; 1 Peter 1:3.) 

        Praise be to God! He did indeed raise Jesus to life. That is reason for celebration!!

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